
Tuesday, July 3, 2018

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Expanding Apprenticeship Opportunities in the United States
src: www.brookings.edu

An internship is a new generation training system of trade practitioners or professions with on-the-job training and often some companion studies (classroom work and reading). Internships also allow practitioners to obtain licenses to practice in a regulated profession. Most of their training is done while working for employers who help participants learn about their trades or professions, in return for their ongoing work for an agreed period of time once they reach measurable competencies. Apprenticeship usually lasts 3 to 7 years. The people who successfully complete the internship reach a level of "professional" competence or professional level of competence.

Although formal boundaries and terminology of the apprentice/master/master system often do not extend outside unions and unions, the concept of workplace training that leads to competence for several years is found in any skilled manpower field.

In early modern use, the prentice cut off form is common.

Video Apprenticeship


The apprenticeship system was first developed in the later Middle Ages and began to be overseen by unions and municipalities. An expert craftsman has the right to hire young people as a cheap form of labor in exchange for providing food, lodging and formal training in crafts. Most of the apprentices are male, but female workers are found in crafts such as tailors, tailors, cable builders, bakers, and stationery. Pupils usually begin at the age of ten to fifteen, and will live in the household of expert craftsmen. Most apprentices want to be self-employed craftsmen after completing their contract (usually seven years), but some will spend time as day laborers and most will never get their own workshops.

In Coventry, those who complete a seven-year apprenticeship with a merchant's goods are entitled to be free people in the city.

Subsequently, government regulations and licensing of technical colleges and vocational education were formalized and bureaucratized apprenticeship details.

Maps Apprenticeship

Worldwide internship system


Australian Apprenticeships cover all internships and training. They cover all industry sectors in Australia and are used to achieve 'beginner' and 'high skills' career goals. There were 475,000 Australian Apprentices in training on March 31, 2012, up 2.4% from a year earlier. The Australian Government and employee incentives may apply, while State and Territory Governments may provide public funding support for the training elements of the initiative. Australian Apprenticeships combine time in the workplace with formal training and be able to work full time, part-time or school-based.

The Australian Apprentice and Traineeship service is dedicated to promoting retention, therefore much effort is made to match applicants with apprenticeships or apprenticeships. This is done with the help of aptitude tests, tips, and information about 'how to maintain an internship or internship'.

Information and resources on potential internships and internship jobs are available in more than sixty industries.

The difference between the terms of the intern and the trainees lies primarily in the traditional trade and the time required to qualify. The Australian Government uses the Australian Apprenticeships Centers to manage and facilitate the Australian Apprenticeship so that funding can be disseminated to qualified businesses and apprentices and trainees and to support the whole process as it supports the skills of the Australian industry in the future. Australia also has an unusual safety net for businesses and Australian Apprentices with its Group Training scheme. This is where businesses that can not use the Australian Apprentice for the full period until they qualify, can rent or lease the Australian Apprentice from the Group Training Organization. This is a safety net, because Group Training Organizations are employers and provide work continuity and training for Australian Apprentice.

In addition to safety nets, Group Training Organizations (GTOs) have other benefits such as additional support for host companies and trainees/interns through industry consultants who visit regularly to ensure that trainees/apprentices fulfill their jobs and train obligations with their host employer. There are additional benefits of trainees/interns employed by the GTO to reduce Payroll/Fund Appointment and other legislative requirements to the paying Master's employer as billed per agreement.


The internship training in Austria is organized into a dual educational system: company-based internship training is complemented by a part-time vocational entrance for an internship (Berufsschule). It lasts for two to four years - the duration varies among the 250 legal internships.

About 40 percent of all Austrian adolescents enter apprenticeship training after completing compulsory education (at age 15). This amount has been stable since the 1950s.

The five most popular trades are: Retailer (5,000 people complete this internship per year), Officers (3,500/year), Mechanical Mechanics (2,000/year), Hair Stylist (1,700/year), Cook (1,600/year). There are many small trades with a small number of apprentices, such as "EDV-Systemtechniker" (Sysadmin) completed by fewer than 100 people per year.

The Apprenticeship Leave Certificate gives students access to two different career careers. On the one hand, it is a prerequisite for admission to the Master Craftsman Exam and for qualification tests, and on the other hand provides access to higher education through TVE-Exam or University Entrance Exams which is a prerequisite for taking studies at colleges, universities, "Fachhochschulen ", post-secondary courses and post-secondary colleges.

The person responsible for overseeing training within the company is called "Lehrherr" or "Ausbilder". An Ausbilder must prove that he has the professional qualifications required to educate others, has no criminal record and is an honorable person. The law states that "the person who wants to educate the young student must prove that he has an ethical way of living and the civil quality of good citizens".

Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, the term "vocational school" (u? Ili? T?) May refer to two, three or four years of secondary practical education. The internship training is carried out under the Education Act (? KolskÃÆ'½ zÃÆ'¡kon). Apprentice spends about 30-60% of their time in the company (sociÃÆ'¡lnÃÆ' partne? I Koly) and the rest in formal education. Depending on the profession, they can work for two to three days a week in the company and then spend two or three days in vocational schools.


Switzerland has a similar apprenticeship with Germany and Austria. The educational system is well-known, which is essentially a dual educational system with a compulsory practical course. Internship length can be 2, 3 or 4 years.


Apprenticeship with a duration of 2 years is for people with weaker school outcomes. The certificate is awarded after successfully completing a 2-year internship called "EidgenÃÆ'¶ssisches Berufsattest" (EBA) in Germany and "Certificato federale di formazione pratica" (CFP) in Italian.

A 3 or 4 year old apprenticeship is the most common. Certificates are awarded after successful completion of a 3 or 4 year apprenticeship called "Certificat FÃÆ'Â © dale de CapacitÃÆ'Â ©" (CFC), "EidgenÃÆ'¶ssisches FÃÆ'¤higkeitszeugnis" (EFZ) or "Attestato federale di capacitÃÆ'" (AFC)).

Some crafts like Electrician are educated in lengths of 3 and 4 years. In this case, an electrician with a 4-year apprenticeship gets a more theoretical background than an apprentice for 3 years. Also, but it is easily lost in translation, the profession has a different name.

Each of over 300 national vocational profiles is defined to have defined the framework - conditions as the length of education, theoretical and practical learning objectives and the conditions of certification.

Age of apprentice

Usually internships start at age 15 and 18 after completing general education. Some interns have recommendations or are 18 years old, which obviously leads to a higher average age. Officially there is no maximum age, however, for people over 21 it is difficult to find companies because companies prefer a young age due to lower labor costs.


In Canada, each province has its own apprenticeship program, which may be the only route to work in compulsory trade. In Canada, apprentices tend to be formalized for handicraft trade and technician level qualifications. When the provincial exam is over, they can write the Interprovincal Standard exam. British Columbia is one of the provinces that uses this exam as a provincial exam. This means the qualification for the province will satisfy the whole country. Interprovincial exam questions are agreed upon by all provinces.


In France, apprenticeship also developed between the ninth and thirteenth centuries, with guilds structured around apprentices, day workers, and skilled craftsmen, continuing in this way until 1791, when unions were suppressed.

The first law on apprentices was adopted in 1851. From 1919, young people had to take 150 hours of general theories and lessons in their subjects a year. This minimum training time increased to 360 hours per year in 1961, then 400 in 1986.

The first training center for apprenticeships (CFA) appeared in 1961, and in 1971, a legal internship was part of a professional training course. In 1986 the age limit for apprenticeship was increased from 20 to 25. From 1987, various qualifications were achieved through an expanded internship to include profession brevet, a professionnel bac (vocational baccalaalaureate diploma), (advanced technician certificate), engineering diploma, master's degree and more.

On January 18, 2005, President Jacques Chirac announced the introduction of a law on a program for social cohesion consisting of three pillars of work, housing and equal opportunity. The French government promised to further develop an internship as a pathway to success in school and work, based on its success: in 2005, 80% of young French people who had completed an internship entered the work. In France, the term internship often shows manual work but also includes other jobs such as secretaries, managers, engineers, shop assistants... The plan aims to increase the number of interns from 365,000 in 2005 to 500,000 in 2009. To achieve this goal, governments, for example, provide tax breaks for companies when they take an internship. (Since 1925 the taxes have been levied on paying internships.) The minister in charge of the campaign, Jean-Louis Borloo, also hopes to enhance the apprenticeship image with information campaigns, as they are often associated with academic failure at school and the ability to understand only practical skills and not theory. After civil unrest in 2005, the government, led by prime minister Dominique de Villepin, announced a new law. Dubbed the "law of equality of opportunity", it created the First Working Contract and a manual internship from the age of 14. From this age, students are allowed to exit the compulsory school system in order to learn the call immediately. This move has long been the policy of French conservative political parties, and was welcomed by the harsh opposition of unions and students.


Internships are part of the German double education system, and thus form an integral part of the lives of many people. Finding a job without completing an internship is almost impossible. For some particular technical university professions, such as food technology, a complete internship is often recommended; for some, such marine engineering may even be mandatory.

In Germany, there are 342 recognized trades ( Ausbildungsberufe ) where internships can be completed. They include eg physician assistant, banker, optician's seller, plumber or an oven. The dual system means that apprentices spend about 50-70% of their time in the company and the rest in formal education. Depending on the profession, they can work for three to four days a week in the company and then spend a day or two at a vocational school ( Berufsschule ). This usually applies to trades and craftsmen. For other professions, it usually takes more theoretical learning, working time and school to take place in a blockwise manner, for example, in 12-18 week intervals. This Berufsschulen has been part of the educational system since the 19th century.

In 2001, two thirds of young people under the age of 22 started an internship, and 78% of them completed it, which means that about 51% of all under-22 youths have completed internships. One in three companies offered internships in 2003, in 2004 the government signed an agreement with industry unions that all companies except very small ones should take up an internship.

The latent decrease in German population due to low birth rates now leads to the lack of young people available to start an internship.

Internships after general education

After graduating from school at the age of fifteen to nineteen (depending on the type of school), students begin an internship in their chosen profession. Realschule and Gymnasium graduates typically have a better chance of being accepted as apprentices for sophisticated craft professions or internships in white-collar jobs in finance or administration. An internship takes between 2.5 and 3.5 years. Initially, at the beginning of the 20th century less than 1% of German students attended the Gymnasium (an 8-9 year university prep school) to get the Abitur graduation which was the only way to university at the time. In the 1950s, only 5% of young Germans entered university and in 1960 only 6% entered. Due to the increasing social wealth and increasing demand for academic professionals in Germany, about 24% of the children entered college/university in 2000. Of those, who did not enter the university, many started internships. The internship program usually terminates a person's education at the age of 18-20, but also an older apprentice is accepted by the employer under certain conditions. This is often the case for immigrants from countries without a compatible professional training system.


In 1969, a law (Berufsbildungsgesetz ) was passed that regulated and unified the vocational training system and codified the joint responsibilities of states, unions, associations and chambers of commerce and industry. The dual system succeeds in both parts of the divided Germany. In the GDR, three quarters of the working population have completed internships.

Business and professional administration

Appropriate skills and theories taught about German internships are strictly regulated. The employer is responsible for all educational programs coordinated by the German chamber of commerce. Internships get a special internship contract until the end of the education program. As long as the program is not allowed to assign apprentices for regular work and he is well protected from sudden dismissal until the program ends. The contents and skills set out of the apprenticeship profession must be fully provided and taught by the employer. The time taken is also set. Each profession takes a different time, usually between 24 and 36 months.

Thus, anyone who has completed an internship for example, as an industrial manager ( Industriekaufmann ) has learned the same skills and has attended the same course in procurement and inventory, control, staffing, accounting procedures, production planning, provisions of trade and transport logistics and various other subjects. A person who has never taken this apprenticeship or fails to pass a final exam in an industrial and commercial chamber is not allowed to refer to itself as Industriekaufmann . Most job titles are standard and are legally limited. Work in such a function at any company will require this complete degree.

Craft trade and profession

Rules and laws for trade workers and craft workers such as mechanics, bakers, carpenters, etc. are just as tight and even wider than for the business profession. The procedures, titles and traditions involved still strongly reflect the medieval origin of the system. Here, the average duration is about 36 months, some special crafts even take up to 42 months.

After completing a double education, for example, a baker is allowed to call himself a baker ( BÃÆ'¤ckergeselle ). After the internship, the flight attendant can enter the master school ( Meisterschule ) and continue her education in the evening course for 3-4 years or full time for about a year. The graduation from the master's school leads to a master's degree of artisans ( Meister ) of his profession, so for example, a bread master is entitled as BÃÆ'¤ckermeister . A master is officially included in the local trade list, the craftsman's roll ( Handwerksrolle ). An expert craftsman is allowed to hire and train new interns. In most professions related to safety, for example, that only an electrician is allowed to set up his own company.

License to educate apprentices

To hire and train apprentices, special licenses are required. AdA License - Ausbildung der Ausbilder - "Educator Education" needs to be obtained by training in industrial and commercial chambers.

The Master completes this licensure course in their own master course. New master's training and examination is possible only for masters who have worked for several years in their profession and who have been accepted by rooms as trainers and examiners.

Academic professionals, for example, engineers, who seek this license must complete AdA during or after university studies, usually with a one-year evening course.

Licensee is only allowed to train participants in their own field of expertise. For example, a mechanical engineer would be able to educate industrial mechanics, but not for example, laboratory assistants or civil builders.

After trade apprentices and craft profession

When the internship ends, the former intern is now considered a day worker. He may choose to go on his journey for years.


In India, the Apprentice Act was enacted in 1961. It regulates the training program of apprentices in the industry to fit the syllabus, the training period, etc. As defined by the Central Apprenticeship Council and fully utilize the facilities available within the industry to provide practical training with a view to meeting the requirements of skilled labor for the industry.

The Apprentices Act came into force in 1961 and was effectively implemented in 1962. Initially, the Act considered training of trade workers. The law was amended in 1973 to include the training of graduate engineers and diplomas as "Graduates" & amp; "Technician" Apprentice. The law was further amended in 1986 to bring to the scope of training of vocational flow 10 2 as "Technician (Vocational)" Student.

Responsibility for applying the Apprentice Act

The overall responsibility is with the Directorate General of Manpower & amp; Training (DGE & amp; T) at Union Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.

  • For Apprentice Trade (ITI-Passed/Fresh) Ã,: DGE & amp; T is also responsible for the implementation of the Law concerning Trade Apprentice in the Central Government. Undertakings & amp; Department. This is done through six Regional Apprentice Training Directorates located in Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kanpur & Faridabad. Meanwhile, the State Apprentice Applicant is responsible for the implementation of the Law concerning the Trade Apprentice in Entreprations/State Departments of Government and Private Companies.
  • For Graduates, Technicians (Polytechnic Diploma holders) & amp; Technician (H.S Vocational-Passed) Apprentice: The Department of Education at the Ministry of Human Resource Development is responsible for implementation through four Apprenticeship Training Boards located in Chennai, Kanpur, Kolkata, & amp; Mumbai.


In Pakistan, Apprenticeship Training was implemented under the 1962 National Apprenticeship Regulations and the Apprenticeship Regulation 1966. It regulates apprenticeship programs in industry and TVET institutions for theoretical instruction. It is an obligation for industries with fifty or more trade-in workers apprenticed to operate apprenticeship training in industry. All training expenses are covered by industries including wages to apprentices. Provincial Government through Technical Education & amp; Vocational Training Authority (Punjab TEVTA, Sindh TEVTA, KP TEVTA, Balochistan TEVTA and AJK TEVTA) enforce apprenticeship implementation.

The training period varies for different trades from 1-4 years. By 2015, more than 30,000 interns are trained in 2,751 industries in 276 trades across Pakistan. This figure represents less than 10% of institutional-based Vocational Training, which is over 350 thousand per year.

Recently, the Government of Pakistan through National Vocational & amp; The Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) has started to reform the existing apprenticeship system. Highlights of the modern apprenticeship system are:

- Inclusion of services sectors, agriculture and mining - Cost sharing by Industry and Government - Organizing and formalizing Informal Internship - Main Apprenticeship Qualification with the National Vocational Qualification Framework (Pakistan NVQF) - Increasing participation of cost reimbursement Training of Women (for those who train more training ) number of apprentices from the required) - Assessment and Certification of internship participants jointly by Industry - Chamber of Commerce & amp; Industry - Government - Apprenticeship Management Committee (has representatives of 40% employers, 20% of workers and 40% of Government officials)


In Turkey, internships have been part of a small business culture for centuries since the time of the Seljuk Turks who claimed Anatolia as their homeland in the 11th century.

There are three levels of apprenticeship. The first level is an apprenticeship, namely, "ÃÆ'§? Rak" in Turkish. The second level is a pre-master called, "kalfa" in Turkish. The degree of mastery is called "lie" and is the highest level of achievement. An 'usta' qualifies to receive and receive new 'ciraks' to train and carry them. The training process usually begins when the boy is 10-11 years old and becomes an adult master at the age of 20-25 years. Years of hard work and discipline under master's authority are key to the process of youth apprenticeship and learning.

In Turkey today there are many vocational schools that train children to gain skills to learn new professions. Students after graduating looking for a job in a nearby local market are usually under the authority of a master.

United Kingdom

Initial history

The internship has a long tradition in the United Kingdom, beginning around the 12th century and evolving in the 14th century. Parents or guardians of minors will agree with an expert or conditions trader for an internship. The contract will then bind the youth for 5-9 years (for example, from ages 14 to 21). Apprenticeships sometimes pay "premium" or fees to craftsmen and contracts will usually be recorded in a written contract. Modern apprenticeship programs range from crafting to high status in professional practice in engineering, law, accounting, architecture, management consulting, and others.

In unionized towns and cities, internships are often subject to union rules, setting minimum service requirements, or limiting the number of interns that a teacher can train at a time. The Guild also often keeps a record of who becomes an apprentice, and it often qualifies to become a guild-free person or townspeople. Many young people train in villages or communities that do not have unions, so avoid the effects of this rule.

In the 16th century, "premium" payments to employers were by no means common, but such costs became relatively common at the end of the 17th century, although they varied considerably from trade to trade. A one time fee payment can be very difficult for some parents, limiting who can do an internship. In the 18th century, apprenticed premiums were taxed, and the List of Stamp duties that recorded most tax payments survived, indicating that approximately one in ten teenage boys served the intern in which they paid fees, and that the majority paid five to ten pounds to their master.

In theory no wages should be paid to apprentices because technical training is given in return for work provided, and illegal wages in some cities, such as London. However, it usually pays a small amount for apprentices, sometimes to buy, or to replace, new clothes. In the 18th century routine payments, at least in the last two or three years of the apprenticeship, become commonplace and those who live separately from their masters are often paid on regular pay. This is sometimes called a "half pay" or "colting" system, payments are made weekly or monthly to students or their parents. In this case, the worker often returns from Saturday night to Monday morning. This was the norm in the 19th century but this system has existed in several trades since the 16th century.

In 1563, the Statutes of Artificers and Magang were authorized to regulate and protect the apprenticeship system, prohibiting anyone from practicing trade or crafts without first serving a 7 year period as an apprentice for the master (although in practice the sons of Freemen could negotiate shorter terms).

From 1601, the parochial apprenticeship under Elizabethan Poor Law began to be used as a way of providing for poor, unauthorized and orphaned children of both sexes in addition to the usual skilled apprenticeship system, which tended to provide boys with a slightly more affluent background. This parish apprenticeship, which can be made with the consent of two Justices of Peace, provided apprentices for lower status work such as agricultural work, brick making and rough housekeeping services.

In the early years the entrepreneurs of the Industrial Revolution began to oppose restrictions on the apprenticeship system, and a legal verdict stipulated that the Statute of Apprentices did not apply to trades that did not exist when passed in 1563, thus excluding many new ones. Industry of the 18th century. In 1814 the requirement that a worker in a skilled trade should have had an internship abolished.

System was introduced in 1964

The main training in the industry is the apprenticeship system (combining academics and practice), and the main concern is to avoid the scarcity of skills in jobs that traditionally have higher skills and technicians and professionals in engineering, for example, through the UK Industrial Training Council (ITBs) established under the 1964 Act. The aim is to ensure adequate supply of training at all levels; to improve the quality and quantity of training; and divide training costs among employers. ITB is empowered to publish training recommendations, which contains full details of the tasks to be learned, the syllabus to follow, the standards to be achieved and the vocational courses to be followed. These are often accompanied by training guides, which in fact guide practitioners for apprenticeship training, and some ITBs provide training at their own centers. ITBs formulated what could be a haphazard training experience and greatly improved its quality. The years from the mid-1960s through the mid-1970s saw the highest levels of apprenticeship recruitment; however, from schools that left the group around 750,000, only about 110,000 (mostly boys) became apprentices. The apprenticeship system is aimed at highly advanced craft and higher technician skills for a minority of the workforce elite, most of whom are trained in rapidly declining industries from 1973 onwards, and by the 1980s it was clear that in making this decline was permanent.

Since the 1950s, the high-tech industries of the UK (Aerospace, Nuclear, Oil & Gas, Automotive, Telecommunications, Power and Distribution, etc.) Train higher professional technicians and engineers through the traditional compulsory training system - usually 4-year process from the age of 16-21. There are 4 types of traditional internships: skills, technicians, higher technicians, and graduates. Crafts, technicians and higher apprentice technicians typically take 4 to 5 years while a postgraduate internship is a short 2 year experience usually at university or post-graduate. Non-bachelor technician interns are often referred to as "technical internships". The traditional apprenticeship framework of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s was designed to allow young people (from 16 years) alternate pathways to A Level to achieve both academic qualifications (equivalent to level 4 or 5 NVQ today) and skills-based competence for knowledge work. Often referred to as the "Golden Age" of work and employment for bright young people, the traditional technical apprenticeship framework is open to young people who have at least 4 O Levels to enroll in the Ordinary or Diploma Certificate (ONC, OND) or City & amp; ; Gang engineering technician course. Internships may progress to the Higher National Certificate, Higher National Diploma (HNC, HND) or Advanced City and fellowship courses such as Full Technology Certification. Internship positions in elite companies often have hundreds of applications for placement. Academic learning during an internship is achieved either through block releases or day releases at local technical agencies. An OND or HND is usually obtained through a block release approach where an intern will be released for a period of up to 3 months to study full-time academic programs and then return to the employer for applied work experience. To enter into a higher technical engineering apprenticeship, Level O must include Mathematics, Physics, and English. The academic level of subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry on ONC/OND, and some City & amp; A high-level technician course, equivalent to level A mathematics, physics and chemistry. The subject of academic science is based on applied sciences in subjects such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, mechanics of machinery, dynamics and statics, electrical sciences and electronics. This is often referred to as engineering science. HNC and HND are broadly equivalent to subjects in the first year of bachelor degree in engineering but not studied to the same intensity or depth of mathematics. HNC accepted as entrance to the first year of engineering degree and high performance on the HND course can enable students to enter directly into the second year of degree. Some apprentices follow this path because it means 10-12 years in further and higher education. For some who follow this path they complete a solid foundation of competency-based work training through internships and achieve higher academic qualifications at universities or Polytechnics incorporating both forms of education; vocational and academic. During the 1970s, City and Guilds took over responsibility for the administration of HNC and HND courses.

City and Guilds of London Institute pioneer of Imperial College has offered vocational education through apprenticeship since the 1870s from basic craft skills (mechanics, hairdresser, chef, plumbing, carpentry, brick installation, etc.) Up to qualification equivalent to a master's degree and a university doctorate. Municipal and Fellowship diploma fellowships are awarded to nationally recognized individuals through peer review as having reached the highest level of competency-based achievement. The first award of the FCGI was approved by the Board in December 1892 and awarded in 1893 to Mr. H A Humphrey, Technical Manager of Refined Bicarbonate and Crystal Plant from Brunner, Mond & amp; Co. The award is for material improvement in the manufacture of bicarbonate soda. The nomination system is conducted at Imperial College, with recommendations given to the Board of Institutions for approval. About 500-600 people have been awarded Fellowship.

Traditional template

The objective of a traditional apprenticeship framework is to provide the supply of young people seeking to enter work-based learning through apprenticeship programs by offering structured high valued learning and transferable skills and knowledge. Internship training is enabled by linking industry with local technical colleges and professional engineering institutions. The apprenticeship framework offers a clear path and competency outcomes that address the issues facing certain industrial and enterprise sectors. This system has been around since the 1950s. This system provides alternative youth to live in full-time post-16/18 education to obtain pure academic qualifications without work-based learning. The apprenticeship system of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s provided the necessary preparation for young people to qualify as a Craft trade (Machinist, Toolmaker, Fitter, Plumber, Welder, Mechanic, Millwright etc.), or Technicians (quality inspectors, photographer, designer, planner, work study, programmer), or Technician Technician (chisel design, product design, method, stress and structural analysis, machine design, etc.) and enable the path to qualified Engineers Chartered in a particular discipline (Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Aeronautical, Chemical, Building, Structural, Manufacturing, etc.). Qualified Chartered Engineers are usually achieved at the age of 28 years and over. Internships perform various job roles on various shop floor and office technical functions to assist the work of expert craftsmen, technicians, engineers, and managers in the design, development, manufacture and maintenance of products and production systems.

It's possible for interns to progress from national certificates and diplomas to engineering degrees if they have talent. This system enables young people to find their level and still reaches a milestone along the path from apprenticeship to higher education through polytechnics or universities. Although rare, it is possible for an internship to advance from vocational studies, to a bachelor's degree, to graduate studies and obtain a master's or PhD degree. The system is effective; The industry is assured of well-trained and highly educated staff, local technical colleges offer courses relevant to industries with high academic content and internships prepared for professional or higher education at the age of 21 years. With the exception of technologically advanced companies especially in space (BAE, Rolls-Royce, Bombardier systems) the system is declining with the decline of general manufacturing industry in the UK.

The traditional apprenticeship program reached its lowest point in the 1980s: at the time, training programs were declining. Exceptions to this are in the fields of high tech aerospace engineering, chemicals, nuclear, automotive, power and energy systems where apprentices continue to serve a four to five year structured program of practical and academic studies to qualify as an engineering technician or Combine Engineer technological techniques) and continue to earn a master of engineering degree and qualify as a Chartered Engineer (UK); qualifying technique of UK gold standard. Technicians and technologists do a mix of theory and practice, for example at the engineering campus for one day and two nights per week at City & amp; Gang program or the National Ordinary Certificate/National Certificate Course High. Being a hired engineer through an internship route typically involves 10-12 years of academic and vocational training in a combination of companies, colleges of secondary education and/or university. In 1986, National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) began to stop major downfall in vocational training. By 1990, apprenticeship had reached a low estimate, at 2 / 3 of 1% of total employment.

Revitalization from the 1990s onwards

In 1994, the Government introduced the Modern Apprenticeship (renamed Apprenticeship in England, Wales and Northern Ireland), based on the current Council of Sector Skills framework. In 2009, the National Apprenticeship Service was established to coordinate an internship program in the UK. The apprenticeship framework contains a number of independently certified elements:

  • knowledge-based elements, usually certified through qualifications known as 'Technical Certificates' (not required in Scottish Modern Apprenticeship);
  • competency-based elements, usually certified through NVQ (in Scotland it can be through SVQ or alternative competency-based qualifications);
  • Functional Skills which are in all cases a minimum level of mathematics and achievement of English and in some cases also IT (in Scotland, Core Skills); and
  • Working Rights and Obligations (ERR) to show that Apprentice already has full induction to the company or training program, and is aware of important rights and responsibilities at work; This usually requires the creation of a personal portfolio of activities, reading sessions and instructions, but not checked.
  • A path with parity involving a university special education

In Scotland, the Modern Apprenticeship Frameworks approved by the Modern Apprenticeship Group (MAG) and, with the support of the Scottish Government, have determined that from January 2010, all Frameworks submitted to them for approval must have a compulsory element that is rated for credit for the Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework (SCQF).

In 2009 there were more than 180 apprenticeship frameworks. The current scheme surpasses manufacturing and high-tech industries to be part of the service sector without an internship tradition. In 2008 Creative & amp; Cultural skills, the Sector Skills Council, introduces a set of Creative Apprenticeship provided by EDI. Freelance internship frameworks are also approved and use freelance professionals for freelance apprentice mentors. Freelance Apprenticeship was first written and proposed by Karen Akroyd (Access To Music) in 2008. In 2011, Freelance Music Apprenticeship is available at various music colleges in Birmingham, Manchester, and London. The Department of Education under the name 2007-2010 expressed its intention to make the apprentice a "major part of the British education system".

Entrepreneurs who offer internships have employment contracts with their apprentices, but off-the-job training and assessment are fully funded by the state for apprentices aged between 16 and 18 years. In the UK, the Government contributes only 50% of training costs for interns aged 19-24. Internships at Level 3 or above for those aged 24 years and above no longer withdraw State funding, although there are State loan facilities in which an individual or company may bear study and assessment fees and repay the State in installments over an extended period at an interest rate that is special.

Government funding agencies (in the UK, the Skills Funding Agency Agency) contract with 'learning providers' to provide internships, and can accredit them as a National Academy of Expertise. These organizations provide off-the-job costs and manage the bureaucratic workload associated with internships. The provider is usually a private training company, but may also be a college of Advanced Education, a voluntary sector organization, the Chamber of Commerce, or the company itself.

Apprenticeship structure in the 2000s

The British government has implemented a strict apprenticeship structure that in many ways resembles traditional architecture of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. There are three levels of internship available during 2-6 years of development. It is possible for ambitious participants to progress from level 2 (medium) to level 7 (master's degree) for years of training and education. Learners start at a level that reflects their current qualifications and opportunities available in the interest sector:

Intermediate Apprenticeship (Level 2, equivalent to five good GCSE tracks) : provide participants with the skills and qualifications for their chosen career and allow entry (if desired) to the Advanced Apprenticeship. To be accepted, participants should be enthusiastic, interested in learning and have a decent standard of education; most companies require applicants to have two or more GCSEs (A * -C), including English and Mathematics.

Advanced Apprenticeship (Level 3, equivalent to two levels of A-level) : To start the program, participants must have five GCSEs (grade A * -C) or have completed a Medium Apprenticeship. This will give them the skills and qualifications required for their career and allow entry (if desired) to a higher level of apprenticeship or degree. Further apprenticeship can take anywhere from two to four years.

Higher Apprenticeship (Level 4/5; equivalent to Foundation Degree) : To start the program, the student must have a Level 3 (A-Level, Advanced Diploma or International Baccalaureureate) qualification or have completed the Advanced Apprenticeship. A higher internship is designed for students aged 18 or over.

Hold an Internship (Level 5/6, earning a bachelor's degree) and (Level 7 Masters) : To start the program, the learner must have a 3/4 level qualification (A- , Advanced Diploma or International Baccalaureureate) that are relevant to the work or have completed the Advanced Apprenticeship are also relevant to the job. This differs from 'Higher Apprenticeship' for graduating with an accredited university degree. An internship may last between two and four years.

Under the current British system, starting in 2013, the entrepreneur group ('pioneer') develops a new internship, working together to design apprenticeship standards and assessment approaches. In July 2015, there were 140 groups of Trailblazer entrepreneurs who have so far been collectively sent or are in the process of providing more than 350 apprenticeship standards.

From April 2017, Apprenticeship Levies are available to finance internships. Many British public bodies are subject to legislation targets to employ an average of at least 2.3% of their staff as new interns during the period from April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2021, and to "pay attention" to these targets when planning their recruitment and career development activities.

In 2018, the IFA Institute for Apprenticeship sets the process for developing new Apprenticeship standards as part of a 'faster and better' campaign. The campaign was launched after a call from the blazer trailer to simplify the system. Johnathan Mitchell - IFA's Deputy Director (Standard Development) sets out changes to the standard development process that includes restructuring and refreshing of all forms and templates. In addition to the new guides, the new workshops are intense and generally more support for the pioneers.

United States

The internship program in the United States is governed by the Smith-Hughes Act (1917), The National Industrial Recovery Act (1933), and the National Apprenticeship Act, also known as the "Fitzgerald Act."

The number of US apprentices has increased from 375,000 in 2014 to 500,000 by 2016, while the federal government intends to see 750,000 by 2019, primarily by extending the apprenticeship model to include white-collar jobs such as information technology.

Education regime

See also standard-based education reform that eliminates different standards for vocational or academic tracks

In the United States, education officials and non-profit organizations that seek to emulate apprenticeship systems in other countries have made schools to carry out educational reforms. They seek to link academic education with careers. Some programs include shadowing work, watching real workers for a short time, or actually spending significant time on the job without or reducing the salary that should be spent in academic classes or working in local businesses. Some legislators raise the issue of child labor legislation for unpaid labor or hazardous work.

In the United States, schools for work programs usually only occur in high school. American high schools were introduced in the early 20th century to educate students of all abilities and interests in one learning community rather than preparing a small number for lectures. Traditionally, American students are tracked in a variety of course-based courses, with vocational courses (such as car repair and carpentry) tending to be at the lower end of academic and trig- galetry and pre-calculus skills at the top end.

American education reformers have sought to end the tracking, which is seen as a barrier to opportunities. In contrast, the system studied by the NCEE (National Education and Economic Center) actually depends heavily on tracking. US education officials, mostly based on NCEE's school redesign proposals and other organizations, have chosen to use tests that refer to criteria that set a high standard that all students must achieve in order to receive a uniform diploma. The American education policy under "No Child Left Behind Act" has the official goal of eliminating the achievement gap between populations. This often leads to the need for remedial classes in college.

Many US states now require passing high school graduation exams to ensure that students across all ethnic, gender and income groups have the same skills. In countries like Washington, critics have questioned whether this ensures success for all or only creates a major failure (as only half of all 10th grade students have indicated that they can meet the standards).

The construction industry is probably the heaviest internship program user in the United States, with the US Department of Labor reporting 74,164 new workers earned in 2007 at the height of the construction boom. Most of these participants participated in the so-called "joint" apprenticeship program, jointly managed by construction companies and construction unions. For example, the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) have opened the Finishing Trades Institute (FTI). FTI works towards national accreditation so as to offer associate and graduate degrees that integrate academics with more traditional internships. IUPAT has joined the Professional Decorative Artist Association (PDPA) to build the standard of education using apprenticeship model made by PDPA.

Sample program

People interested in learning to become electricians can join one of several internship programs offered jointly by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and the National Electrical Contractors Association. There is no background in electrical work required. A minimum age of 18 years is required. No maximum age. Men and women are equally invited to participate. The organization responsible for this program is called the National Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee [1].

Apprentice electricians work 32 to 40 hours per week in trading under the supervision of a daily employee wireman and receive payments and benefits. They spend an additional 8 hours each week in classroom training. At the end of the training (five years for inside wireman and outside deck, less for telecommunication), apprentices reach the level of daily worker wireman. All this is offered at no cost, except for the cost of the book (which is roughly $ 200-600 per year), depending on the value. People who complete this program are considered highly skilled by employers and earn high salaries and benefits. Other unions such as Union Union of American Carpenters and American Supporters, Barber Association, Carpenters, Welders and Service Technicians HVAC, Operations Engineers, Iron Workers, Sheet Metal Workers, Plasterers, Bricklayers, and others offer similar programs.

Trade associations such as Independent Electrical Contractors and Related Builders and Contractors also offer various internship training programs. The listed programs are also offered by the Aerospace Joint Appeals Committee (AJAC) to fill the aerospace and advanced manufacturing workforce in the State of Washington.

For FDA-regulated industries such as food, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, nutraceuticals and cosemecuticals, companies may offer internships in Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Medical Affairs (MSL), Clinical Trials, or Regulatory Affairs. Internships can be placed in the host company and must continue to work towards industry certification such as those offered by ASQ or RAPS while they remain in the internship. Training and guidance fees may be covered by the program and apprentices receive full salaries and benefits.

Professional internship example

A modified form of internship is required before an engineer is licensed as a Professional Engineer in one of the states of the United States. In the United States, professional engineering licensing rules are the rights and responsibilities of federated states. That is, each of the 50 states establishes its own license terms and issues (and, if required, revokes) the license to practice the techniques in that country.

Although the requirements may vary slightly from state to state, in general to obtain a Professional Engineering License under certain circumstances, a person must graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from an accredited college or university, pass the Technical Elementary Exams (FE ), who appoints an Engineer in Training (EIT) degree, works in that discipline for at least four years under a licensed Professional Engineer (PE), and then pass the Principles and Practice of Engineering Exams. One and two year credit experience is awarded for those with a master's and doctoral degree qualification, respectively.

In most cases, states have reciprocal agreements so that once a person becomes licensed in one country it can also become licensed in another with relative ease.

Youth Apprenticeship

Youth Apprenticeship promises new strategies to engage young people in career-related learning, encourage high school completion, reduce youth unemployment, reduce skill gaps and provide youth pipelines to higher education or to industry as workers eligible to fill open position.

These programs provide senior secondary and senior schools with career paths and education into the industry. They develop real-world skills, earn competitive wages, and get high school credits toward graduation and receive free college tuition. Upon completion of the program, young apprentices will receive travel-level certification from the nationally recognized Department of Labor and Industry.

Youth internships have been successfully piloted in a number of countries including, Wisconsin, Colorado, Oregon, North Carolina and South Carolina. In these countries, thousands of high school students are involved in in-class technical training and on-the-job training that is structured in a number of industries with high growth and high demand. In Charlotte, NC several companies, many of which are rooted in Europe, have begun an Apprenticeship Charlotte and Apprenticeship 2000 program to jointly advance the internship idea and close the gap in the availability of technical workforce.


In Liberia, tailors work closely with more skilled tailors to learn skills and skills that may be taught in more traditional school settings. They learn from the master tailor, who assigns the promised assignments to the students after their training is over. Internships must have an understanding of patterns, measurements, and other mathematical skills. They show full mastery of the concept before moving on to the next outfit. Instead of formal testing for evaluation, clothing articles must meet quality standards before they can be sold and before the apprentices can start new designs.

Apprenticeships â€
src: static1.squarespace.com

Analog at university and professional development

The concept of a modern internship is similar to an internship but not strict. Universities are still using apprenticeship schemes in their undergraduate production: bachelors are promoted to master and then produce a thesis under the supervision of a supervisor before the university's corporate body recognizes the achievement of a doctoral standard. Another view of this system is the graduate students in the role of apprentices, post-doctoral colleagues as nomads, and professors as masters. In "Wealth of Nations", Adam Smith states it

Seven years seems archaic has been, throughout Europe, the usual term set for the duration of apprenticeship in most of the merged trade. All such incorporation was formerly called the university, which is the proper Latin name for any establishment. University of the blacksmith, tailor's university, etc., is an expression we normally encounter in the old charter of ancient cities [...] As it has been done for seven years under a qualified teacher it is necessary to give people the right to become masters , and has himself apprenticeship in general trading; so to study seven years under a well-qualified teacher is necessary to entitle him to become a teacher, teacher, or doctor (identical ancient words) in the liberal arts, and to have a scholar or disciple (words also originally identical ) to study under him.

Also similar to apprenticeship are professional development arrangements for new graduates in the accounting profession, engineering, management consulting, and law. An English example is a training contract known as 'articles on the court'. Learning curves in modern professional services firms, such as law firms, consultants or accountants, typically resemble traditional master-apprentice models: new entrants to the company are assigned to one or more experienced colleagues (their ideal partner in the company) and learn their skills in the job.

Robert Greene's Mastery: The Lost Art of Apprenticeship - Writer M.D.
src: www.mikelavere.com

See also

Apprenticeship Vacancies | Milton Keynes College
src: www.mkcollege.ac.uk


New Apprenticeship Levy - The Isle of Wight College
src: iwcollege-cdn-pull-zone-theisleofwightco1.netdna-ssl.com

Further reading

  • Modern Apprenticeship: how to work , Report of the Apprenticeship Modern Advisory Committee, 2001 [2]
  • Internship in the British "Training Market" , Paul Ryan and Lorna Unwin, Cambridge University and Leicester University, 2001 [3]
  • Creating a 'Modern Apprenticeship': a critique of Alison Fuller and Lorna Unwin's, English social inclusive approach Alison Fuller and Lorna Unwin, 2003 (pdf)
  • Apprentice system in England and Germany: setbacks and survival. Thomas Deissinger in: Towards the history of vocational education and training (VET) in Europe in a comparative perspective , 2002 (pdf)
  • European vocational training system: the theoretical context of historical development. Wolf-Dietrich Greinert, 2002 in Toward the history of vocational education and training (VET) in Europe in a comparative perspective. (pdf)
  • Internships in the UK-their design, development and implementation, Miranda E Pye, Keith C Pye, Dr. Emma Wisby, Sector Expertise Development Agency, 2004 (pdf)
  • L'apprentissage a changà ©  ©, c'est le moment d'y penserÃ,! , MinistÃÆ'¨re de l'emploi, du travail et de la cohÃÆ' © sion sociale, 2005
  • Study on Store Floor: Historical Perspectives on Apprenticeship , Bert De Munck, Steven L. Kaplan, Hugo Soly. Berghahn Books, 2007. (Preview in Google book)
  • "Social production of technical work: case of British engineer" Peter Whalley, SUNY Press 1986.
  • "Internships in the 'golden age': is the youth transition really smooth and not problematic then?", Sarah A. Vickerstaff, University of Kent, UK, 2003
  • "The Higher Apprenticeship (HA) in Engineering Technology"; Council of Sector Skills for Science, Engineering and Manufacturing Technology, UK, 2008

Apprenticeship word cloud concept Royalty Free Vector Image
src: cdn1.vectorstock.com

External links

  • Facts about Germany: Internships, Federal Foreign Office
  • L'Apprenti , in French
  • Education and further skills: Internship - GOV.UK
  • Normele methodologie de aplicare a Legii nr. 279/2005 privind ucenicia la locul de munc?, Modificate? I equip ast? Zi de Guvern , in Romanian

Source of the article : Wikipedia
