
Sunday, June 17, 2018

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Wuzland electronic cigarettes and e-liquid
src: www.668.co.za

Electronic cigarettes are battery-powered vaporizers. The main parts that make up the e-cigarette are the funnel, cartridge (tank), heating element/sprayer, microprocessor, battery, and maybe LED lights at the end. The sprayer consists of a small heating element which evaporates the e-liquid and wicking material that draws liquid to the coil. When the user presses a button, or (in some variations) activates the pressure sensor by inhaling, the heating element then sprays an e-liquid liquid solution reaching a temperature of about 100-250 Â ° C indoors to create water vapor aerosols. Users inhale aerosols, commonly called steam, not cigarette smoke. Aerosols provide flavor and taste similar to tobacco smoking.

There are three main types of electric cigarettes: cigalikes, looking like cigarettes; eGos, larger than cigalikes with refillable liquid tanks; and mods, assembled from the base or by changing the existing product. As the e-cigarette industry continues to grow, new products are quickly developed and brought to the market. The first generation of e-cigarettes tends to look like tobacco cigarettes and is called "cigalikes". Most cigalikes look like cigarettes but there are some variations in size. The second generation device is overall larger and looks less like a tobacco cigarette. Third generation devices include mechanical mod and variable voltage devices. The fourth generation includes Sub ohm tanks and temperature control devices. The power source is the largest component of e-cigarette, which is often a rechargeable lithium-ion battery.

Video Construction of electronic cigarettes



E-cigarette is a handheld battery-powered vaporizer that simulates cigarettes, but without burning tobacco. After the user inhales, the airflow activates the pressure sensor, and then the heating element sprays the liquid solution. Most devices have manual push-button switches to enable or disable them. The e-cigarette is not lit by trying to "turn on" the device with a flame. E-liquid reaches temperatures around 100-250 ° C in a room to create aerosol vapors. However, a variable voltage device can raise the temperature. The glycerin liquid only evaporates at a higher temperature than the propylene glycol-glycerin liquid. Instead of cigarette smoke, users inhale aerosol vapors, generally but inaccurately called ones. E-cigarettes do not create steam between the puffs.


Vaping is different from tobacco smoking, but there are some similarities to their behavioral habits, including hand-to-mouth and steam actions that look like cigarette smoke. E-cigarettes provide flavors and flavors that are similar to smoking. The striking difference between traditional cigarettes and electric cigarettes is the sense of touch. Traditional cigarettes are smooth and light but the cigarette is electrically stiff, cool and slightly heavier. Because e-cigarettes are more complex than traditional cigarettes, a learning curve is required to use them properly.

Compared to traditional cigarettes, the longer electric cigarette smokes longer, and requires a stronger sucker than regular cigarettes. The steam volume created by e-cigarette devices in 2012 decreases with vaping. So, to create the same steam volume, it takes a bigger puffing force. Next-generation cigarettes with concentrated nicotine fluids can bring nicotine to the same level as traditional cigarettes. Many versions of electronic cigarettes include a voltage potentiometer to adjust the volume of steam made. The amount of steam generated is controlled by the power of the battery, which causes some users to adjust their device to increase battery power.

Maps Construction of electronic cigarettes


E-cigarettes are usually roughly cylindrical, with many variations: pen style, tank style, etc. Some electric cigarettes look like traditional cigarettes, but others do not. There are three main types of electric cigarettes: cigalikes, looking like cigarettes; eGos, larger than cigalikes with refillable liquid tanks; and mods, assembled from the base or by changing the existing product.

The main parts that make up the e-cigarette are the funnel, cartridge (tank), heating element/sprayer, microprocessor, battery, and maybe LED lights at the end. The only exception to this is a mechanical e-cigarette (mod) that does not contain electronics and the circuit is closed using a mechanical action switch. E-cigarettes are sold in a disposable or reusable variant. Disposable electric cigarettes are discharged once the liquid in the cartridge runs out, while the rechargeable electric cigarette can be used indefinitely. A disposable e-cigarette lasts up to about 400 puffs. Reusable e-cigarette replenished by hand or exchanged for a filled cartridge, and general cleaning is required. A wide variety of disposable and reusable electric cigarettes exist. Disposable electric cigarettes are offered for a few dollars, and reusable electric cigarettes at higher prices involve up-front investment for beginner kits. Some e-cigarettes have LEDs on their ends to resemble burning tobacco light. LED can also indicate battery status. LEDs are generally not used in vaporizer or personal mod.

The first generation of e-cigarettes usually simulates the tools of smoking, such as cigarettes or cigars, in its use and appearance. The generation of e-cigarette illumination often called mods, PV (personal vaporizer) or APV (advanced personal vaporizer) has improved nicotine-dispersal performance, higher battery capacity, and comes in various forms such as tubes and metal boxes. They contain silver, steel, metal, ceramics, plastics, fibers, aluminum, rubber and spume, and lithium batteries. Subclasses grown from vapers called cloud-chasers configure their atomizers to generate large amounts of steam by using low resistance heating coils. This practice is known as cloud-chasing. Many e-cigarettes are made of replaceable standard parts that can be exchanged between brands. Various combinations of components exist. Many e-cigarettes are sold with USB chargers. E-cigarettes that resemble pens or USB memory sticks are also sold to those who may want to use this device secretly.

File:Eleaf Istick 50w E Cigarette - Box Mod - Vaporizer - Vape Mod ...
src: upload.wikimedia.org

Device generation

As the e-cigarette industry continues to grow, new products are quickly developed and brought to the market.

First generation

The first generation of e-cigarettes tends to look like tobacco cigarettes and is called "cigalikes". The three parts of an electronic cigarette shaped like cigalike at first are cartridges, sprinklers, and batteries. A cigalike e-cigarette currently contains a cartomizer (sprayer cartridge), which is connected to the battery. Most cigalikes look like cigarettes but there are some variations in size.

They may be one unit consisting of batteries, coils and filling saturated with e-juice in a single tube to be used and disposed of after the battery or e-liquid is discharged. They can also be reusable devices with batteries and cartridges called cartomizers. Cartomizer cartridges can be separated from the battery so that the battery can be charged and empty cartomizer replaced when e-juice runs out.

The battery portion may contain an electronic airflow sensor triggered by inhalation through the device. Other models use the power button to be held during operation. LEDs on the power button or at the end of the device can also show when the device evaporates.

Charging is usually done with a USB charger attached to the battery. Some manufacturers also have cigarette packs in the form of portable packaging (PCC), which contains a larger battery that can recharge the e-cigarette battery. Reusable devices can use kits that contain batteries, chargers, and at least one cartridge. Various nicotine concentrations are available and nicotine delivery to users also varies based on various cartomizers, e-juice mixtures, and power supplied by the battery.

This manufacturing difference affects the way e-cigarettes convert aqueous solutions to aerosols, and thus the level of material, delivered to the user and the surrounding air for a particular liquid. The first generation of e-cigarettes uses a lower voltage, about 3.7 V.

Second generation

Second generation devices tend to be used by people with more experience. They are overall bigger and look less like tobacco cigarettes. They usually consist of two parts, basically a tank and a separate battery. Their batteries have a higher capacity, and can not be removed. Being refilled, they use a USB charger attached to the battery with a threaded connector. Some batteries have a "passthrough" feature so they can be used even while charging.

The second generation of electric cigarettes generally use a tank or "clearomizer". Clearomizer tanks are meant to be refilled with e-juice, while the cartomizer does not. Because they can be recharged and rechargeable batteries, the operating costs are lower. Hovever, they can also use cartomizer, which has been filled before.

Some of the cheaper battery parts use a microphone that detects passing air turbulence to activate the device when the user is breathing air. Other batteries such as eGo style can use integrated circuits, as well as buttons for manual activation. LED indicates battery status. The power button can also turn off the battery so it is not activated by accident. Second generation E-cigarettes may have lower voltages, about 3.7 V. However, adjustable voltage devices can be set between 3Ã,V and 6Ã,V.

Third generation

The third generation includes mechanical mod and variable voltage devices. The battery parts are commonly called "mods," referencing their past when user modifications are common. The mechanical mod does not contain an integrated circuit. They are generally cylindrical or square, and typical housing materials are wood, aluminum, stainless steel, or brass. The larger "mod box" can accommodate larger and sometimes larger batteries.

Variable mechanical and device modules use larger batteries than those found in previous generations. Commonly used battery sizes are 18350, 18490, 18500 and 18650. Batteries are often removed, so they can be changed when they run out. Batteries must be removed and charged externally.

Variable devices allow wattage, voltage, or both settings. It often has a USB connector for charging; some can be used when charging, called the "passthrough" feature.

The power section can include additional options such as screen readings, support for various internal batteries, and compatibility with different types of atomizers. Third generation devices can have atomizers that can be rebuilt with different wicking materials. This rebuildables uses hand-made rolls that can be installed in the sprayer to increase steam production. Hardware in this generation is sometimes modified to improve power or taste.

The larger battery parts used also allow larger tanks to be installed that can accommodate more e-liquids. The latest devices can reach 8 V, which can heat up significantly more e-liquid over the previous generation.

Fourth generation

The fourth generation e-cigarette is available in the US in 2014. The fourth generation of e-cigarettes can be made from stainless steels and pyrex glass, and contains very little plastic. Included in the fourth generation are Sub ohm tanks and temperature control devices.

Electronic Cigarettes | E-Cigarette | GreenSmartLiving. My ...
src: i.pinimg.com

Sprayer and tank

The sprayer consists of a small heating element that vaporizes e-liquid and wicking material that draws liquid to the coil. Along with battery and e-liquid sprayer is the main component of any personal vaporizer. A small resistance wire is circular around the wicking material and connected to an integrated circuit, or in the case of a mechanical device, the sprayer is connected directly to the battery via a 510, 808, or ego threaded connector. 510 becomes the most common. When activated, the resistance wire coil heats up and vaporizes the liquid, which is then inhaled by the user.

The electrical resistance of the coil, the output voltage of the device, the air flow of the sprayer and the efficiency of the axis all affect the vapor coming from the atomizer. They also affect the amount of steam or volume produced.

Spindle coils made from kanthal usually have a resistance that varies from 0.2? (ohm) to 2.8 ?. The lower ohm rolls have increased steam production but may pose a risk of fire and malicious battery failure if the user does not know enough about electrical principles and how they relate to battery security.

The wicking material varies from one sprayer to another. "Rebuildable" or "do it yourself" atomizers can use silica, cotton, rayon, porous ceramics, hemp, bamboo thread, stainless steel oxidized mesh and even wire rope cable as wicking material.


Cartomizer was discovered in 2007, integrating the heating coil into the liquid chamber. A "cartomizer" (portmanteau cartridge and sprayer.) Or "carto" consists of a sprayer surrounded by a liquid-soaked fluid that serves as an e-liquid holder. They can have up to 3 windings and each coil will increase steam production. Cartomizers are usually discarded when the e-liquid starts to burn, which usually occurs when the e-cigarette is activated with a dry coil or when the cartomizer is consistently flooded (gurgling) due to sedimentation of the axis. Most cartomizers can be recharged even if not advertised as such.

Cartomizer can be used alone or together with a tank that allows more e-liquid capacity. The word "kartotank" portmanteau has been created for this. When used in a tank, a cartomizer is inserted in a plastic, glass or metal tube and a hole or slot should be perforated at the side of the cartomizer so that the liquid can reach the coil.


Clearomizer was invented in 2009 from cartomizer design. It contained wicking material, e-liquid chamber, and spray of sprayer in one clear component. This allows the user to monitor the liquid level in the device. Clearomizers or "clearos", such as kartotank, where the sprayer is inserted into the tank. There are different wicking systems used in the clearomizers. Some rely on gravity to carry e-liquids to axes and coil assemblies (bottom coil clearomizers for example) and others depending on capillary action or to some extent stirring e-liquid users when handling clearomizer (top clearomizer coil). The coils and axes are usually located inside user-replaceable assemblies or "heads" that the user can replace.

Clearomizers are made with adjustable airflow controls. The tank may be a plastic cup or borosilicate. Some flavors of e-juice have been known to damage the plastic clearomizer tank.

atomizers Rebuildable

A rebuildable or RBA sprayer is a sprayer that allows users to assemble or "build" the axis and wrap themselves instead of replacing it with an open "head" sprayer. They are generally considered advanced devices. They also allow users to build atomizers on any desired electrical resistance.

These atoms are divided into two main categories; rebuildable tank atomizers (RTAs) and rebuildable dripping atomizers (RDAs).

Rebuildable tank atomizers (RTAs) have a tank to hold the fluid absorbed by the axis. They can store up to 4ml e-liquid. The tank may be plastic, glass, or metal. One form of tank atomizers is the Genesis-style atomizers. They can use ceramic axis, stainless steel mesh or strap for wicking material. Steel axis must be oxidized to prevent coil winding. Another type is Sub ohm tank. These tanks have rebuild or RBA kits. They can also use 0.2 oz and 0.5ohm coilheads. These coilheads can have stainless steel coils.

Rebuildable dripping atomizers (RDAs) are atomizers in which e-juice is dripped directly onto the coils and axes. The general nicotine strength of e-liquids used in RDA is 3 mg and 6 mg. The liquids used in the RDA tend to have more vegetable glycerin. They usually consist only of a "deck building" sprayer, usually with three posts with holes drilled in them, which can accept one or more scrolls. Users need to manually keep the wet sprayers by dripping liquids on the axis of the axes and coils, hence their names.

Kanthal wire can be used in RDA, RTA or RTDA, or builders can choose stainless steels, nickel, titanium, nikrom and other special combination cables. Watt and Bypass Modes allow for all types of wire, not every type of width can be used when mod is set to temperature control.

Modified squad

This gives the squonk squares the advantage of holding more e-juice than RTA and reducing the need to bring separate e-juice bottles throughout the day.

Worker Smoking Electronic Cigarette Stock Photo, Picture And ...
src: previews.123rf.com


Power tools and variable voltages

Variable devices are variable watts, variable voltages or both. The variable power and/or variable voltage has an electronic chip that allows the user to adjust the power applied to the heating element. The amount of power applied to the coil affects the heat generated, thereby changing the steam output. The greater heat of the coil increases the production of steam. The variable power device monitors the resistance of the coil and automatically adjusts the voltage to apply the user-specified power level to the coil. Latest devices can reach 8Ã, V.

They are often rectangular but can also be cylindrical. They usually have a screen to show information such as voltage, power, and coil resistance. To adjust the settings, the user presses a button or rotates a button to change power up or down. Some of these devices include additional settings through their menu system such as sprayer barrier meters, remaining battery voltage, puffer counters, and power-offs or locks. The power source is the largest component of e-cigarette, which is often a rechargeable lithium-ion battery. Smaller devices contain smaller and more portable batteries but typically require more repeating charging. Some e-cigarettes use long-lasting rechargeable batteries, non-rechargeable batteries or replaceable batteries that can be rechargeable or non-rechargeable for power. Some companies offer portable rechargeable cases to recharge electric cigarette batteries. Nickel-cadmium (NiCad), nickel-metal hydride (NiMh), lithium ion (Li-ion), alkaline and lithium (Li-poly) polymers, and manganese lithium batteries (LiMn) have been used for e-cigarette power sources.

Temperature control device

The temperature control device allows the user to set the temperature. There are predictable changes to the coil resistance when heated. Different resistance changes for different types of cables, and should have a high temperature resistance coefficient. Temperature control is done by detecting that change in resistance to estimate the temperature and adjust the voltage to the coil to match that estimate.

Nickel, titanium, NiFe alloys, and certain grades of stainless steels are common materials used for wires in temperature control. The most commonly used wire, kanthal, can not be used because it has a stable resistance regardless of the temperature of the coil. Nickel is the first wire used because it has the highest coefficient of ordinary metal.

Temperature can be adjusted in Celsius or Fahrenheit. DNA40 and SX350J are common control boards used in temperature control devices. Temperature control can stop the dry axis from combustion, or e-liquid overheating.

Mechanical devices

Mechanical or PV "mods", often called "mechs", are devices without integrated circuits, electronic battery protection, or voltage regulation. They are enabled by a switch. They rely on the output of the battery's natural voltage and the metal made of the mods often used as part of the circuit itself.

The term "mod" was originally used instead of "modification". Users will modify existing hardware to get better performance, and as an alternative to electric cigarettes that look like traditional cigarettes. Users will also modify other unrelated items such as flashlights as batteries for power sprayers. The word mod is often used to describe most of the personal vaporizer.

Mechanical PV has no power settings and is unprotected. As this ensures that the battery is not overloaded and that the sprayer's resistance requires an electric current within the battery's safety limits is the user's responsibility.

Grande Vente! 50 W Eleaf iStick Kit Complet 4400 mAh construction ...
src: i.pinimg.com


Electronic cigarette - Wikipedia
src: upload.wikimedia.org

External links

  • Media related to Electronic cigarettes on Wikimedia Commons

Source of the article : Wikipedia
